For the last couple of weeks, I have been working on an audio mashup. This is my first time working with any type of remixing platform, however, I did enjoy learning how to clip the audios together. I used Soundation and found the platform very easy to use. Also, was able to browse over 23,000 audio clips!!!
Within my mashup, I tried going for a calming introduction and background noise, while adding some moments of sudden change. I found this a bit difficult, for this reason, I tried to let the sound flow into each other without being over barring. However, some parts of my mashup do not flow properly. As I was creating the mashup I tried experimenting with adding a beat drop. This task was a lot harder than I thought it was going to be. For this reason, in order to add a beat drop the audio clips need to be cut and extending in order to create even 10 seconds of a sound. Personally, I found this hard to do but may just need more practice.
I think my favorite part of my mashup is the last 1 minute, for this reason, I had cut the audio clips into fairly small clips and just added this all together. Personally, I don't think it sounds terrible.
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