Video Mashup


For this week we were asked to create a video mashup using, free videos from or videos that we have captured ourselves. Therefore, I decided to use footage that I already had. I decided to use the some of the footage that filmed this last month of March. Personally that is one of my favorite things to do is use the content that I have from a good span of time editing them all together. Most of the editing techniques that I used for this video, were mainly the basic forms of editing. For this reason, I was super unfamiliar the video editing software, iMovie. 

I personally, don't own a Mac, however the video editing app on my Windows computer would not load all of the content that I wanted to add. Therefore, my roommate was nice enough to let me borrow her computer to test out the software and create this mashup. Since, I don't know a Mac, everything seemed to be super complexed for me but I managed. I was able to trim and split clips, in order to only use the footage that as appealing. In addition, I used transitions to go from one clip to the next. My favorite transition that I used was the cross fade. This is where the software would cross the two video clips together while fading into each other. I defiantly thinks this transition flows very nicely together, while changing clips and angles. Another transition that I used was a cross zoom, this transition crossed the two video clips by zooming into the other. I found that this transition could only have been used in-between certain clips without making them look croppy. 

I think the video turned out pretty good, however I don't think I was successful, because I couldn't seem to figure out how to cross videos over the other creating a different effect. In addition, when I went to add toy my audio mashup that I made to the video, it was not found! Yes, I know I cried too. I went back into and couldn't find it! Therefore, this video does not have audio at the moment. 

If I could change one or two things about my Mashup, I would change some of the transition or try a different way clip videos together. For this reason, I would have love to added a zooming effect on some on the frames. And or a freeze frame to capture different moments. 

I think the most difficult part about completing this assignment was the fact that my computer wouldn't load my videos. Therefore, I had to use software that was super unfamiliar for me, stressing me out. The Youtube videos from the reading on how to use iMovie were very helpful when I just couldn't seem to figure out to do what I wanted with the clips. 

Finally, I learned from this project that the editing software that I am currently using is very basic. Therefore, I should look into different softwares like iMovie to create content that is more complex.


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